Accessories: 1200 Series Vibraplane Heavy Duty Workstations

Accessories: 1200 Series Vibraplane Heavy Duty Workstations

Accessory Name Accessory Code
Class Ten Cleanroom Compatible Finish CL10
Electrical Outlet Strip EOS
Enclosures** ENC
Faraday Cage** – Height = 48″ FC
Fixed Shelf (24″ or 30″ deep tables) FS
Fixed Shelf Custom (tables deeper than 30″) FSC
Guard Rails (front and rear) GR – ‘L’
Height Extension – 5″ (integral) HE-5
Height Extension – 5″ (field retrofit) HER-5
Keyboard Shelf* (Fixed) 10″ x 24″ KS
Kinematic Feet (set) KF
Monitor Support (Corner Mount) MS
Overhead Rear Equipment Shelf ORES
Overhead Rear Additional Rear Shelf AERS
Overhead Side Equipment Shelf OSES
Overhead Side Additional Side Shelf AESS
Padded Armrests (pair)* PA2
Portable Air Compressor PAC
Rear Mounted Brace RB
Retractable Casters (set) RC
Seismic Restraint SR
Side Rails SDR
Sliding Shelf* – 10″ Wide SS-10
Sliding Shelf* – 12″ Wide SS-12
Sliding Shelf* – 14″ Wide SS-14
Sliding Shelf*, Custom (>14″ W, >30″ D) SSC
Sliding Shelf* – 14″ Wide SS-14
Sliding Shelf*, Custom (>14″ W, >30″ D) SSC


‘L’ = Length of Table

* = Requires Guard Rails

** = Requires Side and Guard Rail